Invitation Yes (16)It's all good! No (18)I will be in HK for work. Thanks for inviting. I'll be in Mexico. todo en Work Art Show that night. Maybe next time :) Something came up! Just happens to coincide with the weekend of my kayak trip to Sinclair. December should work though. Sick. But December looks good. I know I said that I could come to this one. But I won't be able to. Alas, I'll be in Vancouver. Just remembered that I will be in Texas this weekend. Big Drag, but I'll try to play some poker down there just to keep my hand in. frownyface No Reply (22) | ![]() Results
Recap Scott Jung secured his first tournament victory tonight. He outlasted Rachel Foster, Lorinda Beals, and newcomer Paul Carter who comprised the other money finishers. The hand of the night was held Shelly Moffat - twice. She had 2 fours-of-kind - both 7s. One with pockets 7s that were matched on the flop. Later the flop was 3 sevens, and she held the fourth. These hands helped her to 7th place and two bounties. |
See if Larry can defend his title!
Space considerations will limit the game to 24 players.